50 Word Stories

1. Eugene enters the house with a surprise. As it is his 21st birthday, his friends decorated his house and surrounded it with balloons. As the lights were switch off. His girlfriend holding onto the birthday cake, walk out singing happy birthday to him, he blow off the candles and then she gave him a kiss.

2. Tom walks up the stairs, stops and turns around. He heard some footsteps of someone following him from behind. He is curious and wants to find out who that person is. He began to walk slower and stopped suddenly. He quickly turns around and realise that it was just a dog following him.

3. Mary opens a parcel and smiles sweetly to herself. It was a gift given to her from her boyfriend who is studying abroad. She has been eyeing on the white top from Forever 21. Fortunately, her boyfriend could read her mind; he bought it for her and sends it to Singapore for her.

4. Jean keeps looking at her cell phone. She does not want to miss this important call from America. She has been waiting to know if her job application she has submitted was successful. As her husband is working over there, she can’t wait to go over to join him badly.

5. David keeps running. He keeps running because he is trying to forget that he has lost his job and hoping that it was just a dream. He keeps thinking how to tell his wife and children about it. His job is very important to him because he is the only sole bread winner at home and without the job he cannot support his family.

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