Visual Trigger


Based on a true story

This Picture shows, My Uncle and his fiancee.

My Uncle was a very nice guy, very sympathetic to our relatives who are in need of help. He owns some small company. ( I am not so sure exactly what company his company does) Thus, he is the boss. My grandaunt, who is also his mum’s friend’s family isn’t very well to do. It also happened that their daughter has just graduated and was looking for a job. He being very nice and helpful to others, he offered her a job. As time slowly goes by, they became closer and they became a couple.  My Uncle did hired many of my relatives who are jobless into his company. There was once, I was on school holidays and had nothing to do, he asked me to work for two days helping him do some errands and also he paid me. He gave me quite a big sum of money for just doing some minor errands in his company.

Months later after opening his company, he was struck with cancer. If I am not wrong, cancer of the stomach. He went for many treatments such as chemotherapy and also with my aunt’s and other relative’s prayer. He was fully recovered within a year.

Not long after his recovery, he proposed to his fiancée to be and they were about to get married in two to three years time. They had many dreams such as build a bigger company for our relatives who are much elder to work so as not to be at home rotting away and waiting for their deaths and also for students like me who can work part time during our holiday so that we can earn some extra pocket money and spend it on whatever we want. Also, their dream was to fly around the world, to explore the world and do many other things such as setting up a family and giving both their parents  a better life.

Unfortunately, before all their dreams could be fulfilled, he had a relapse during the week of Christmas in the year 2004. During that week of Christmas, he was then admitted to the hospital and had more treatments and chemotherapy to go too. He could not eat or drink. After a week, he started to have complications and the doctor told our family to be prepared for the worst. Slowly, one Sunday, after that week, his stomach started to bloat so big like a balloon, his organs and kidneys start to fail him, he also turned all blue, he tried his best to hang on as he had many dreams unfulfilled. He kept holding onto his fiancée and do not want to let it go. After his fiancée convinced him to go in peace because he would be at a better place, heaven, a place where there is no suffering or pain. Hours later, he decided to let go and he just died peacefully, leaving his fiancée in this world.

His good deeds he has done will always be kept in our heart.

My Uncle’s name is Eugene and his fiancee’s name is Margaret.

2 Responses to “Visual Trigger”

  1. Ms Phuah Says:

    A beautiful story of a selfless man who left behind many who will mourn his loss. The tragic elements are present though not so much because of his flaw but rather due to the circumstances. However, the style of writing should be more story like rather than biographical.

  2. Ms Phuah Says:

    This story reinforces the phrase ‘Only the good die young’.

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